Selected Publications
Park H, Choi M, Cheung H, Zhang Y, Makino S, Yoshikawa Y, Qi H, Liu Z, Lan G, Fu, G, Wang Q, Guo S, Liu P, Liu Z, Ti S, Wang W, Li X, Ni T, Hui, C, He M. A cytoskeletal scaffold promotes motile cilia assembly by regulating transition-zone integrity, bioRxiv
Pinard A, Ye W, Fraser SM, Rosenfeld JA, Pichurin P, Hickey SE, Guo D, Cecchi AC, Boerio ML, Guey S, Aloui C, Lee K, Kraemer M, Alyemni SO; University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics; Bamshad MJ, Nickerson DA, Tournier-Lasserve E, Haider S, Jin SC, Smith ER, Kahle KT, Jan LY, He M, Milewicz DM. Rare variants in ANO1, encoding a calcium-activated chloride channel, predispose to moyamoya disease. Brain 2023; 2023 Sep 1;146(9):3616-3623 PMID: 37253099
2021 and prior
The Tabula Muris consortium. A single cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes aging tissues in the mouse. Nature 2020; 583:590-5 PMID: 32669714
He M#*, Wu B#, Le DD, Ye W, Sinclair AW, Padovano V, Chen Y, Li K, Sit R, Tan M, Caplan MJ, Neff N, Jan YN, Darmanis S*, Jan LY*. Single cell RNAseq reveals a critical role of chloride channels in airway development. eLife2020; 9:e53085 PMID: 32286221, Co-first & Co-corresponding author
Ramirez-San Juan GR, Mathijssen AJTH, He M, Jan L, Marshall W, Prakash M. Multi-scale spatial heterogeneity enhances particle clearance in airway ciliary arrays. Nature Physics 2020; 16:958–64
He M, Ye W, Wang WJ, Sison ES, Jan YN, Jan LY. Cytoplasmic Cl- couples membrane remodeling to epithelial morphogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2017; 114, E11161-9. PMCID: PMC5748203
He M, Agbu S, Anderson KV. Microtubule motors drive hedgehog signaling in primary cilia. Trends Cell Biol 2017; 27:110-25 PMCID: PMC5258846
He M, Agbu S, Anderson KV. Microtubule motors drive hedgehog signaling in primary cilia. Trends Cell Biol 2017; 27:110-25 PMCID: PMC5258846
He M, Subramanian R, Bangs F, Omelchenko T, Liem K, Kapoor TM, Anderson KV. The Kinesin-4 protein KIF7 kinesin regulates mammalian hedgehog signaling by organizing the cilia tip compartment. Nature Cell Biology 2014; 16:663–72. PMID: 24952464
Tuson M#, He M#, Anderson KV. Protein kinase A acts at the basal body of the primary cilium to prevent Gli2 activation and ventralization of the mouse neural tube. Development 2011; 138:4921-30. PMID: 22007132, Co-first author
Liem K, He M, Ocbina P, Anderson KV. Mouse Kif7/Costal2 is a cilia-associated protein that regulates sonic hedgehog signaling. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2009; 106:13377-82. PMCID: PMC2726420
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